Large-scale scientific experiments and the need for more exemptionslike the Hatch-Waxman exception in Patent Law
Oceanography is a fascinating field of study, encompassing knowledge from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. Notable pioneering efforts in oceanography have been recognized from countries across the globe although tribute must be given to the great Jacques Cousteau for the popularization of oceanography in the eyes of the general public. His books, films, and conservation efforts have revealed the wonders of the oceans for countless children and adults alike. In the 1980s, John Martin’s seminal work out of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute fueled the idea of seeding algal blooms with iron, aka iron fertilization, into becoming a feasible solution to the issue of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. The results of his studies on mapping the oceanic distribution of nutrients essential for algal proliferation confirmed the presence of large regions that are low in iron levels with respect to macronutrients such as nitrate, phosphate, and sil...